+1% Revenue, Friendly Is Second Most Active Mautic Partner and a Report at Gründerszene Magazine
Open Startup Report July 2021

Our revenue increased by +1% to $11,314, we are the second most active Mautic partner after the owner of Mautic herself and Gründerszene magazine reported on Friendly: welcome to our Open Startup report for July 2021.

July at Friendly in the Numbers

  • 💵 MRR*: CHF 10,429 | ~$11,314 (+1%)
  • 👩 Active customers: 75 (-)
  • 💔 Monthly customer churn: 12% (+184%)
  • 👋 New Trials: 10 (-17%)
  • 🔎 Website Visits: 3,579 (+31%)
  • 📮 Emails sent (Automate): 813,629 (-30%)
  • 📈 Pageviews tracked (Analytics): 368,863 (+13%)
  • 💸 Costs: CHF 10,747 | ~$11,660 (+6%)
  • 🧾 Profit and Loss: CHF -318 | ~$346 (Last month +$150)

* MRR = Monthly recurring revenue

This is what moved us in July:

We were (almost) profitable

Our revenue increased by about +1% in July to $11,314. This means that our revenue has grown steadily for 15 months in a row!

Nevertheless, after June, which was profitable for the first time, we had a slight loss again. Among other things, this was due to the fact that Joey received a long-overdue salary increase.

Here are all our costs in July in detail:

Friendly is the second most active Mautic partner – after the owner of Mautic herself!

Friendly Automate is based on Mautic, the most popular open source marketing automation software. Friendly is one of only six official partners of Mautic.

And in July we were even the second most active Mautic partner after Acquia, the owner of Mautic (and Drupal). Mautic measures activity by contributions to the software’s source code and community support in the official support forums.

Because of this achievement, Mautic lists us at the top of the homepage as a “Featured Partner”, which we are proud of – especially because we achieved this as a small team with “only” two people!

Gründerszene reports about Friendly and the Open Startup movement

Gründerszene is one of the most relevant and wide-reaching online magazines for the startup scene and the digital economy in Germany.

In July, Gründerszene reported on the Open Startups movement, which is slowly finding its way to Europe.

As the first and only Open Startup in Switzerland, Friendly is also mentioned in the article. Editor Daniel Hüfner even calls me a “pioneer of the Open Startup movement”, which makes me proud.

The article is only accessible behind a paywall. So far, I have only linked to it because Gründerszene, as a valuable journalistic service, also has to earn money.

Since I assume that several weeks after the publication of the article no one will subscribe to Gründerszene just because of that, I provide a PDF of the article here (in German):

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