This is the privacy policy of Friendly Automate, a product of Friendly LLC.
Here you can find out how we process personal data with Friendly Automate on behalf of our customers.
If you want to know what data we process about you when you visit our website, when you contact us or when you become one of our customers, click here:
Privacy Policy of Friendly LLC
We do not process any personal data with Friendly Analytics. Learn more about it here:
Privacy Policy of Friendly Analytics
Our customers are responsible for the processing of personal data with Friendly Automate. We, Friendly LLC, provide the software to our customers as a processor. In doing so, we comply with the applicable laws such as the new FADP (CH) and the GDPR (EU).
Data processing with Friendly Automate
Friendly Automate is a service for reaching out to contacts via email, SMS or other channels. Friendly Automate customers can evaluate the reaction of their contacts to the messages and the behavior of visitors to their website.
Friendly Automate enables customers to collect and store personal data. This can include contact names, email addresses, phone numbers, job titles, company names and other data.
The type and amount of information collected about their contacts is determined by the customer. If the customer chooses to use Friendly Automate to collect information about their contacts, Friendly Automate uses technologies such as cookies, beacons, tags and scripts.
Data protection and data security
As a software provider, we store the personal data of our customers’ customers (order data). We protect this data with the same care as our own customer data.
We use technical and organisational measures (TOMs) to ensure that all data is stored securely and protected against unauthorised access.
We are certified in accordance with ISO 27 001 for information security and ISO 9 001 for quality and have been awarded the “swiss made software” and “swiss hosting” labels.
Friendly stores and handles all personal data processed for our customers exclusively in Switzerland with providers headquartered in Switzerland. Friendly Automate sends emails via Amazon AWS with locations in the EU. We do not store any order data in the clouds of tech companies in the US.
We have currently commissioned the following sub-processors:
Sub-processors | Activity | Country of head office | Country of hosting |
Infomaniak | Hosting of our products | Switzerland | Switzerland |
Netstream | Backups of our products | Switzerland | Switzerland |
hosttech | Backups of our products | Switzerland | Switzerland |
Amazon * | Email delivery | EU / US * | Ireland and Germany |
* Friendly’s contractual partner is Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL in Luxembourg in the EU. However, its parent company, Amazon, is headquartered in the US. We are endeavoring to completely dispense with the use of Amazon AWS as soon as possible and to set up our own email sending infrastructure in Switzerland.
Friendly as a data processor (DPA)
We conclude a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with our customers on request in order to secure the mutual rights and obligations relevant to data protection in this contractual relationship. Swiss or EU customers have a legal obligation to conclude such a DPA with us. Please contact us about this.
Here you can find a template of our Data Processing Agreement (DPA).
Data protection compliance with the GDPR
Friendly Automate is fully compliant with the GDPR from a data protection perspective. In an “adequacy decision”, the EU has recognized the protection of personal data in Switzerland as equivalent to that in the EU.
Customers based in the EU or Swiss customers who target individuals in the EU can therefore use Friendly Automate without restriction. It is however important to note that the GDPR requires the consent of website visitors to be obtained for the use of cookies.
As of: July 23, 2024