Almost exactly two years ago I registered our first domain This date marks the founding of Friendly for me.
Less than a month later, we launched Friendly Analytics, our first product, and just a few weeks after that, Friendly Automate as product number two.
Today, with almost 80 customers, we are one of the largest Swiss marketing automation and web analytics software providers. Our customers include well-known names such as the canton of Zürich, the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Branchen Insurance. I have documented this journey in several blogposts.
And as Switzerland’s first and still only Open Startup, we want to inspire other companies to be more transparent. I was very pleased to see the coverage of us in this regard in the Swiss Handelszeitung and German magazine Gründerszene. Individual actions have led to great attention, such as the publication of our employment contracts.
All this makes me proud and grateful. Grateful for our team, which gives its best every day. Grateful for our partners, some of whom have supported us from the very beginning. Grateful for our customers who have placed their trust in us despite initial setbacks. And grateful for the support from my network.
I don’t see the journey with Friendly as a sprint, but as a marathon. We have an exist strategy, not an exit strategy. We’ll see whether we’re successful after 10 years. Not before. And I have a great desire to go down this path. If possible, much longer than 10 years.
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